Here you can find out the services and clinics we hold at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
Here you can find out the services and clinics we hold at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
Routine maternity services are carried out at the Conquest Hospital Maternity Unit. If you have any concerns around your pregnancy please call the Triage Helpline – Tel: 0300 131 5341 ... [continue] Antenatal Care
Please book an appointment with the Healthcare Assistant.
These can be booked for any weekday morning. Appointments start from 8.30am. It is important to ring 4-5 working days after the test to check your results. Our results line ... [continue] Blood tests / Phlebotomy
We at Beaconsfield Road Group Practice, recognise that there are individuals who are socially isolated, lonely and need help within the community. Often these individuals have multiple health conditions, including ... [continue] Care coordinators
These are done by the Practice Nurse in routine clinics, please call to make an appointment. Women are invited for smears by the national screening programme at the following intervals: ... [continue] Cervical smears
Please follow the advice given to you by your midwife, health visitor or the Primary Care Trust when these checks are made.
Did you know we now offer a Sexual Health Clinic at the Practice? This includes contraceptive coil and implant fitting and removal. Please ring the surgery for more information.
If you are aged between 40 and 74 years, please contact us to find out more information about a free health check.
Babies & Children should have their first injections (tetanus/diphtheria/ whooping cough/meningitis and polio) at two, three and four months. To make sure your child is fully protected it is important ... [continue] Immunisations and vaccinations – Babies and Children
We now have three in-house physiotherapists. You can book in directly to see them, no need to see a doctor first! The following criteria apply: All soft tissue injuries, sprains, ... [continue] In-house physiotherapist
You can book appointments at a time suitable to you for these very important check- ups and reviews. Our Nurses work at a range of times over five days Monday ... [continue] Patients with Diabetes, Asthma or COPD
One You East Sussex stop smoking advisors can support you throughout your quit attempt. We will see you (up to a maximum of 12 appointments) to help you remain smoke ... [continue] Stop smoking service
Stay safe and healthy abroad If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Please complete the online travel questionnaire below. We will then arrange an appointment (telephone ... [continue] Travel health
Routine and travel vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses.
Please book an appointment with a Practice Nurse.
If you aged between 16 and 75 years and have not seen the doctor or nurse in the last 3 years, then please book a well person check. If you ... [continue] Well persons
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 20th April, 2022