We are very pleased to announce the surgery has achieved a quality score of over 90% on the 2023/24 annual QOF assessment.
QOF is the annual standardised, prevalence-weighted analysis of all of our medical services activity, against targets and in comparison to other practices. There are many domains that are assessed, and of the 635 points available in 3 grouped domains of clinical indicators, public health and quality improvement, we scored 578.78 (91.14%).
Thank you to all of our staff for their hard work in achieving this, just 6 months into the Hill Surgery merger.
A message to our patients: This year we will be following our usual structured recall system for annual reviews. If you have a smartphone which allows it please book your blood tests when you receive a text with a booking link. If you are unable to utilise this service, you will be called to arrange booking.
Due to the changes to general practice contracts and the overwhelming demand for appointments, some simple reviews* may be conducted remotely, this will allow for the reduced resources to which we currently have access to be devoted to more complex issues.
*for those who are within their treatment targets